4 Leadership Principles from World Cup Soccer

Learn 4 Principles Tim Howard, USA Goal Keeper, Uses to Unify His Team

The World Cup for Soccer is played every four years. Germany was crowned the 2014 World Cup Soccer Champion in Brazil. During the journey to the championship, the USA verses Belgium match was one that inspired the world. As I watched the match, I saw Tim Howard, USA Goal Keeper, apply four leadership principles to rally his team. 

Tim Howard, American Goalie, faced a never-ending Belgium onslaught for 120 minutes. Howard tallied an amazing 16 saves, the most in World Cup history. Even though the United States ended up losing the round of 16 match, Tim Howard quickly became a nation's hero. I could really tell that he was in the zone and that he really wanted to win. He was courageous and humble during the whole match. This attitude is crucial to succeed in life and business.

So how did he do it? How did Howard have the game of his life?

4 Leaderships Principles from Tim Howard, USA Goal Keeper

Let me try to keep it simple and say that he applied a few success and leadership principles

1. Consistent Hard Work, Every Day

Nothing happens without hard work. The moments leading up to the zone or having the best game of your life, first start with learning and applying winning principles. Consistency with principles creates consistency with success. The success that gives you the edge when the competition heats us and the pressure is on.

2. Lift Where You Stand

With 16 saves, I saw Tim Howard apply the principle of lift where you stand. This is a simple principle. Give it your all in the area you've been assigned. This will create the momentum that will carry the team.

3. Quickly Align Team Members

Successful leaders help position their teams in the right place at the right time. Tim Howard did this awesome. I could see him quickly point and shout out positioning statements with his team. Once everyone was aligned in the right place, it gave Howard the right angles to be successful and save goals.

4. Show by Example

As Howard entered the field, you could see that he was determined to win. During the game, he gave it his all. This translated into energy for other members of his team. Energy can make or break performance. Make sure your example is full of passion, excellence, and energy.

These four leadership principles can be applied to any part of your personal or business life. Tim Howard applied them in soccer to have one of the best games of his life—World Cup record in goalie saves.