Entrepreneur, marketing leader, and adventurer
My name is Burke Alder. I'm an entrepreneur, marketing leader, and adventurer. I believe greatness is not just for the few or the outliers, achieving greatness is possible for everyone. My passion is helping others discover their greatness by aligning their talents with their passions and using the two to make the world better.
Confront the mountains of life
Challenges in life are like mountains. If you press forward over them with a determined soul, they make you strong. To overcome life's mountains, you must start by moving forward. Every step forward brings you closer to the summit and the triumph. You must learn to enjoy the journey of life, even when it's hard. Be patient, take a deep breath, and move forward. You'll arrive at the summit with greater power, strength, and perspective.
Take on adventure
Life is one big adventure. I use adventures to discover my true potential and push myself. My happy space is found in motion. Being in motion creates positive energy that helps me conquer life's challenges, whether great or small. The greatest ideas and solutions to challenges come when I push the limits of what I believe and feel is possible.
Do good, live great™
Greatness is for everyone. The greatness I'm talking about is not just for a few or the outliers, everyone was born to be great. The first step to greatness lies in discovering your talents and aligning them with your passions. It's time to discover your life mission and unleash it for good. Right now, at this very moment, there is someone who needs your positive light, your talents, and you passions. It's time to do good and live great.
MY Business PHILOSOPHY in Forbes
Great companies are led by missionaries, not mercenaries. The concept of missionary leadership starts with the why. The why speaks to the company's purpose for existence beyond money—its passion and its vision to make the world a better place.
My passion is building companies that solve pervasive problems in big markets. The driving force behind the companies I build is centered around the mission to make a positive impact on people's lives. I believe everyone can create a positive legacy by helping others succeed. To me, that is the true measure of success.